Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am sad tonight because Ryan went down for a nap today at 4:45pm and is still asleep at 8:00pm! He has done this before; his body clock must be telling him that it is time to go down for the night. He will surely wake up before midnight for a bottle since he hasn't eaten since 3:00 this afternoon. I am whiney because I spent zero time with him today! I did change his diaper this morning before work, but then had to hand him over to Keith to feed him since I had to leave. Wah! I am so sad that we had no quality time together today. Every day I race home from work in an effort to get my hour or two with him in. Keith keeps joking that with such an early bedtime, I will get plenty of time with him in the middle of the night tonight! We shall see. But right now I do feel a sort of emptiness, like something major is missing from my day. It just doesn't seem right! He must really need the sleep...growth spurt??

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