Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

I know that documenting Ryan's sleep schedule isn't really that exciting, but I just had to write about this because I am still in shock! So...yesterday I was thinking that Ryan was coming down with something, which now I know that he is not. He seems fine, his temp is fine, he does seem to have some "bats in the cave"- more than usual, but it really doesn't seem to be bothering him. Yesterday he took that long ended up being 3 hours and 15 minutes long. Then he took a 45 minute nap. An hour later he was rubbing his eyes and scratching his head (his new tired signal...and I mean, he SCRATCHES his head, causing tiny little cuts on his forehead that make him look a little neglected- even though we cut his nails all the time). So I put him back down at 4:45pm hoping for another 45 minute nap. Around 6:00pm I opened his door, turned the hall light on, turned off his rushing water white noise and waited for him to wake. He stirred, but kept falling back asleep. I didn't have the heart to wake him up, it just seemed so cruel. I just wanted to get one more bottle in him since he hadn't eaten since 3:00pm (not to mention put his pajamas on and change his diaper!). He never woke and we didn't push it. We went to bed and I woke up every hour or so, looking at the clock each time and each time was amazed at how late it was getting. Midnight, 2 am, 4am! 5am!!!!!!! Still out. He eventually woke up around 5:15 happy as can be and soaking wet from his diaper!!! I gave him a bottle and he went back down for another hour. I just can't believe that he can sleep that long and I guess there is no harm in him going to bed that early, but it just seems SO early and it would be nice for him to sleep in his pj's and on a full tummy! And it is not like he isn't sleeping during the day! So today we are trying to time his naps so that he can take his last nap earlier and be awake for the nice bed time routine that we have started. We will see- he just woke up from his second nap, another 45 minute one, and he looks awfully ready to go back down again....

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