Thursday, January 15, 2009

Down for the count

Today I am stuck in bed with the flu. I feel like crap and definitely haven't been this sick in several years. Usually I have a rock solid immune system. The worst I will ever get is a cold. But this flu has really taken me down! I guess the combination of going back to work along with recently having a baby has taken it's toll on my immune system. Right before I went back to work Keith told me to get a flu shot since I would be exposed to the general public and many more germs. I said I would but never did. I just kept thinking about how I never get sick, so why did I need it. Who knows if it would have made a difference, but now I wish I had gotten it just in case.

The worst part is that I can't go near Ryan! It is killing me. I was holding him last night when I thought I was just getting a cold. I pulled the scarf I was wearing over my mouth and nose to avoid getting him sick and used a ton of Purell on my hands. Today I don't want to go anywhere near him, because the thought of him feeling as bad as I do breaks my heart. I am in quarantine in our bedroom while Ry and Keith are going about a normal day. I can hear them and I want to run out and play! I heard Ryan crying and I wanted to rush out to see why. I already feel like I don't get enough time with him so this is very hard. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon and we can have a relatively normal weekend.

Right now Ryan and Keith are at "discovery days" at Chesterbrook (our daycare). It is Ryan's first time there, and Keith is staying with him for a couple of hours while Ryan takes in the sights and sounds of the infant room. This will hopefully help with the transition once he starts going there for full days. He has two more discovery days next week which will be half days, and without either one of us there. I hope he transitions easily and enjoys the interaction with other people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy! Get better. It has to be sheer torture for you to be there but not "there".
And, by the way, reading about the baptismal escapades...never worry about what other people might think about anything you do. So much energy in this short life is wasted on the wrong emotions, you know?
Barb Mc