Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mr. Mom

I am back at work and it is going surprisingly well. It is good to be back at a familiar place doing something that I enjoy. One of my coworkers blew up some photos of Ryan and hung them above my desk. I love to go into the office and see them there. It makes me so happy and puts things into perspective as I go about my day. It is a busy time at the store but I am able to work reasonable hours because I have the support for the time being. I don't know how long that will last but I am going to enjoy it for now!!

Keith is Mr. Mom right now and it gives me such peace of mind to know that my boys are at home together. Since Keith works from home, he was around enough when I was on leave to see what the daytime routine is and he is continuing it beautifully. I can tell they are having such fun during the day because Keith is documenting it with photos and videos. He captured a video today that is hilarious. Ryan is laughing out loud (way loud), just cracking up at Daddy talking to him. Although it breaks my heart just a little that I wasn't there for the giggle fest, it makes me happy to know that Ryan is in the best hands. Day care will be an adjustment for all of us when the time comes, but I am sure we will find our peace with it.
From the second I get home to the second Ryan goes to bed I am with him. It's only a couple of hours if that, so I have to make each minute count. For the past 2 days, he has been ready for a cat nap when I've returned home, so we go into his room and I hold him for a 45 minute nap. We sit on the glider in the dark and it is a great way for me to unwind from work while we are both relaxing. Normally I would not hold him for a nap like that, but since it is my only time with him during the day, it is a luxury for both of us! And a real treat last night was that Ryan slept through the night! 12 hours, awake only twice for reswaddling but right back to sleep and no feeding! Only time will tell if it was a fluke or not!
I am off Friday-Sunday and I am looking forward to some quality time with my baby! Grandma and Grandpa Brown will be in this weekend for Ryan's baptism so it will be a full but fun three days. He has the cutest little white christening outfit so there is sure to be photos in the near future!

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