Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Better Day

So, as a follow up to last night....Ryan woke up at 9:45pm for a bottle and wanted to go back down right after! So down he went! I was happy to at least have a little time with him for that. He then slept until 5:15 this morning! He had his bottle around 6, then went down again from 6:30 to 7:30! He does love his sleep.
He went to day care today (which I think I am going to start calling "school"...a lot of my friends do that because it sounds better than "day care"! besides, he really is learning a lot there....). Anyway, Keith went to visit him at lunch today since it is just a mile away from home. Ry was napping and managed to take a 1 hr 45 minute nap in addition to his other 45 minute one. I am so relieved that he is sleeping well there. His "teachers" Chris and Laura say that he a very happy and well mannered baby when he is there. I was joking that they probably say that to every parent and my friends have assured me that they do not...if your baby cries or fusses a lot, they let you know! So of course I am also relieved to hear that he is adjusting to his new environment. I am sure that every day is not going to be sunshine and roses, but we are off to a good start.
After school he was tired so he took a 45 minute nap in my arms which I loved. We both got to relax after a long day! Then we played for a bit, listened to music, read, and wound down for the evening. He went down at 6:30 which is becoming his usual bed time. Hopefully he won't get too crazy with his swaddle tonight and will be able to sleep peacefully with minimal interventions!

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