Friday, January 30, 2009


So, I know they say that babies who go to day care get sick more often than those who don't. I expected Ry to get his first cold at some point, but I didn't expect it to happen after his first couple of full days there! I might be jumping the gun, he is not really showing any major signs quite yet, but this morning I noticed that he had a little bit of congestion in his nose. About 30 minutes after he woke this morning (he slept until 8!) he became Captain Fussy and could not be soothed. His temperature is 99.9, which is getting close to the 100.4 temp when you are supposed to call the doctor. I took it again a second later and it was 100.1 (I think our thermometer is suspect gives a reading after about 3 seconds...shouldn't it take a little longer??) I gave him his bottle at 9am and he went down for his nap at 9:30. It is noon and he is still out! So I think he might be fighting something. Let's hope this monster nap does him some good....

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