Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, it's noon on New Year's Day and Keith and I have already rid the house of anything holiday! Usually I am so reluctant to take the Christmas decorations down and like to keep the tree up as long as possible, but this year I am excited to start out the new year clean and fresh. Since I start back at work on Monday (yikes!!) I want the house to be in order so that I will feel ready to embark on this next transition.
Last night we went over to our next door neighbor's to ring in the new year. They have a darling little 2 year old girl, Reese, who was celebrating her birthday and we had a lot of fun. We brought Ryan's bassinet and put him down around 7:00. He still fits in that bassinet and really loves it; I think he feels so nice and cozy when he is in it. We didn't hear from him until 12:30 (we surprised even ourselves for staying up and OUT that late!). He was fussing in his sleep b/c he had broken out of his swaddle. I re-swaddled him and he stayed asleep but we thought he would need his bottle soon so we walked home and waited for him to wake. Good thing we just decided to go to bed b/c he did not wake up until 4am!!! Keith was an angel and got up with him to feed him....we were both hurting a little from a few new year's drinks (the beauty of celebrating next door!). Ry went back to bed after that and stayed down until 7:30. What a nice new year's gift for us! :) He really does seem to like his sleep and I am trying to enjoy this while it lasts because I know that he is still not old enough to fall into any kind of pattern.
So...back to work in less than a week. The good news is that Keith will be home with Ryan for the next 3 weeks. And while I still have some details to work out, I am able to go down to 4 days per week so I will still be able to be home with Ry one day during the week too. My mom will watch him one day, which leaves him in day care 3 days per week max which I feel okay about. Ideally, it would only be 2 days and I am trying to work that out. I have a lot of feelings attached to going back to work and putting our boy in day care, some positive and some negative, but the show must go on. The rational part of me knows that going back to work is the right thing to do. That doesn't mean that it will be easy and I know there will be some stumbling blocks along the way. But such is life! The most important thing to me right now is working out my schedule to fit what is best for Ryan.

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