Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend Fun

Ryan had so much fun on Saturday with his "cousins" Brady, JT and Madeline. The kids are so into him- playing with him and caring for him- and Ryan does love the attention! He was full of smiles and coos for them too. In the morning we went to JT and Madeline's basketball game at the YMCA. They play on the kindergarten team at St. Joe's (where their mom, Sarah, and I went to grade school! We are so old! :) Then we went back to the Schallmoser's for some lunch and Wii playing. The Wii is so much fun; I think I might cave in and agree to getting one (of course Keith wants it) because it is not like the video games that we grew up with where you just sit in front of the TV and zone for hours at a time. Anyway, it was a great day and once Ryan is older he is going to love running around with the Schallmoser kids. I am sure he will look up to them and think they are way cool. We joke that someday Brady (who is 20 months) and Ryan are going to beg Madeline (6 yrs old) to buy them beer just like we did with our older siblings (just kidding mom and dad!). Oh, I am sure there will be stories....
Ry is 2 months old now and tomorrow he has his 2 month check up. He is going to have some vaccinations which we are not looking forward to. We hope he reacts okay to them and they don't turn him too sideways. He is holding his head up really well now and I must admit I am glad he is getting stronger and not such a fragile newborn anymore. He is cooing a lot and getting more interactive and each day is more and more fun with him. I want to eat him up! It is amazing watching him look around and absorb his surroundings as he learns and grows. Lately he has been trying to "find" his thumb; you can tell is is figuring out how to put his hand to his mouth in a controlled way so that he can get it! And his 3 month clothing that I have been waiting to try on him because they looked so big fit him now. Not only do they fit him; much of it will be outgrown in a matter of a week or two!

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