Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twice as Fun

Yesterday Ryan and I went over to the St. Cyr's house to see their new twin girls, Kami and Lainey. The girls are absolutely beautiful and we had such fun! I love how we call these "play dates". Clearly the babies are pretty oblivious! (But way cute nonetheless).
Darcie and Adam tried to have a baby for many years before they turned to adoption. They were cautiously optimistic when they heard they had been chosen by a birth mom in Portland who was due in mid December. They were in shock when they got a call in mid November that the mother was in labor and that they should get on the next plane to Portland to be there!
Last spring they were chosen by a birth mother here in Illinois who was pregnant with a boy. They made all of the preparations, decorated the nursery and met the birth parents, only to have it fall through at the last minute. It was so heartbreaking for them and we all struggled to understand why such an amazing couple was being denied the role of parents.
Now that they have their girls it all makes sense. It was the "plan" all along! It is just another example of how prayers do get answered, but not always the way that we think. And sometimes the answer can exceed our expectations well beyond anything we could have ever imagined!
Seeing Darcie and Adam with the girls was so much fun. They are such naturals, and Darcie, who is the most organized person I have ever met, really seems to have it down. The bottles are lined up in the kitchen, ready to go, and she can even feed the girls at the same time! I am so happy for them. It seems like just yesterday that Darcie and I were sitting in the design office at Crate complaining about how badly we both wanted children! How quickly things can change!

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