Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Here is a picture of our tired little guy, who actually fell asleep as I was swaddling him! He is wearing one of my favorite sleepers- it is covered in little monkeys.
Yesterday he responded just fine to his vaccinations. No fever or other reactions, just a very lethargic boy! He was so cuddly, and very open to napping all day in the crib! At the doctor he weighed in at 11 lbs 9oz (50th percentile) and measured 24 inches in length (85th percentile). We have one long and lean little guy.
I am also adding this pic of me holding Ry in the sling. I used it as I was preparing his bottle and it really relaxed him, so I decided to keep him in it as I fed him. Keith called it lazy...I call it quite clever!!!!

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