Monday, December 8, 2008

Since I am not working right now I never know what the date is. I looked at the calendar today and couldn't believe that it is already December 8th!! Where does the time go?! I really should be Christmas shopping right now but I keep putting it off. My family and I decided that we would keep this holiday season lighter than usual for obvious reasons. We are all OK with it. It takes pressure off of everyone. And as my Dad so perfectly put it, "Christmas is all about miracles, and ours came a little early this year." So true!! Here is a photo of my Dad with Ryan. Keith's parents will be in from Colorado for a few days over Christmas so everyone will be together, which will be really nice.

Right now Ryan is sleeping in his crib. I am watching him on the video monitor waiting for him to wake up. On Friday night he slept from 9:15pm to 5:15am!! It turned out to be a bit of a fluke since he is now back to his 9ish to 3 or 4ish in the morning which I am definitely not complaining about! Besides, the morning he slept until 5:15 he didn't go back to sleep, and the mornings he wakes at 3 or 4 he goes back down until 7 or so. The more I talk to new moms, the more I realize what a dream sleeper Ryan is. We still haven't attempted his crib at night, but he is napping in it during the day and is going down very easily now. Yesterday afternoon he had been asleep for 2 hours and I started trying to slowly wake him so that his feeding schedule wouldn't get too off kilter. They say never wake a sleeping baby, so I was trying to be gentle and make him think he was waking on his own!!! I un-swaddled him, turned the hall light on, started putting his laundry away, and he would not wake up!! So I let him be for a while longer, thinking about how much he must have needed that sleep. I guess we don't need to tiptoe around anymore when he is sleeping! I don't think a fire engine would have woken him at that point. Well anyway, he finally did wake, got his bottle, and proceeded to sleep the afternoon away as he got passed around during the Broncos game.

Grandma is going to babysit today while I go to the dentist. I am trying to fit in all of these appointments while I am on leave so I don't have to take more time off of work when I finally do go back. Keith is going out of town Weds-Fri this week so I will be flying solo with the little man. I am not looking forward to it! I know I can handle it, especially since Ry is so good, but it is always nice knowing that someone else is there just in case.....
Well, I hear my little prince beckoning.....

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