Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Napster

Look at this bright eyed, happy boy!! I am very excited about this because after a rough morning of boycotting sleep, little man Ry slept for 3.5 hours this afternoon in his bassinet. I am trying to get him to nap in his big crib and he will only take cat naps. My mom said that I was a big cat napper in my day...and you know what they say about payback! So I put the bassinet in his room and he took a monster nap today. At least he was in HIS room instead of ours! Baby steps..... Well anyway, he was in a great mood when he woke up which makes me very committed to long, uninterrupted naps!

The other picture is of Keith reading his golf magazine to Ryan. He seems to like it!!!!

And thank you to Louise Leonard who gave us this cute outfit before Ryan was born. "Prince" is right!!!!!

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