Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moving On

Today I started packing up some of the toys that Ry has outgrown. In going through his toy chest, I realized that so many of them are way too baby-ish now. Mostly rattles and little stuffed animals that vibrate or make noise in some way; these things used to keep him endlessly entertained and now he just passes over them. Now that he is on the go he really likes balls and plastic or wooden toys that he can chuck and chase (that will make lots of noise when hitting the wood floor). We also have a little wooden step stool with his name carved into puzzle pieces on the top of it, and he loves to take the letters out and try to get them back in (or chuck them across the room). He has reached the next phase of baby toys and I have very mixed emotions about it. Yes, it is good that he is growing and developing and moving on, but is it not a mother's right to feel sad that her baby is growing up? More on that later. For now those toys will be in storage for the next little one in the family...
Which will be Ryan's cousin, the little Baby Dhein!!! Yes, my sister-in-law Teri is pregnant!!! We are so incredibly excited for she and my brother Jeremy. S/he will be their first, due at the end of March. YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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