Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Buddy

Ry has been very into Charlie lately. He has been grabbing at his mouth and paws and giggling like crazy. Charlie doesn't mind, he always takes it in stride, unless there is a ball involved. Yesterday Ry was playing on the kitchen floor with a rubber ball and Charlie took it as a cue to play. He would grab the ball out of Ry's hands which Ry actually thought was quite funny. The only problem is that Charlie really does think it is a game and gets a little rough. He wouldn't ever intentionally hurt Ry, but when he is playing he does not understand limits! The final straw was when Ry was sitting on the kitchen floor with the ball and Charlie knocked him over to get it. It really didn't seem to phase Ry, but until he gets a little bigger, this is not okay! Ry doesn't seem to mind being separated as long as he can look at Charlie through the window.

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