Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tid Bits

Just some tid bits of what is going on in Ryan's life....
as you can see from this photo, he is sitting up unassisted these days. Depending on how tired he is, he can usually go a good 15 minutes or so before toppling over. He is also rolling all over the place, mostly in his crib. He is still not moving around a lot when playing on the floor, but he is starting to attempt getting up on his knees and perhaps figuring out how to crawl. In typical Ryan fashion, he is in no hurry to be the first baby on the block to do anything! :) He is just one laid back kid.

He is almost 8 months old and still loving his sleep. As a follow up to the question, how much does he love Robbie?, the answer is....A TON! We discovered this the hard way on Monday when he was at Grandma DeeDee's. We forgot to bring Robbie along but didn't think it would be a big deal. When he went down for his morning nap he was inconsolable upon realizing that Robbie wasn't there. DeeDee tried to give him a substitute lovey, but to no avail. He ended up falling asleep in her arms (which she hated, I am sure:))and Keith shuttled Robbie over for the remainder of the nap. All was well. Now we know not to forget Robbie, ever, and DeeDee even went out to buy another stuffed bunny~ the same exact one~ for such emergencies.

Just the other day Ryan started sleeping on his tummy. It is so cute! He is usually cuddling Robbie and when I go in to peek at him before bed he is looking like such a little boy. It is so hard to believe. Even tonight I discovered 2 new things that I have never seen him do. I was playing peek a boo with him after his bath. He had the hoodie part of his bath towel over his head and he pulled it over his eyes. Then he would pull it up as I yelled BOO! He would again pull it over his eyes and then pull it up, with me yelling BOO right on cue...he did this a few times as I wondered, could he really be understanding peek a boo, or was that just a fluke? Who knows. After his bath, I gave him his bottle which is our routine right before he goes to bed. He finished his bottle, burped, and immediately started fussing. As he reached for his empty bottle on the nightstand, he was crying, "Ba, ba, ba...!!!", which is our lingo for bottle. I think he was still hungry and wanting more ba! Was that his first word??? He was saying it so clearly in between sobs and it was obvious what he was referring to as he reached for it. The funny thing is that my parents watched him on Saturday and told us that after his bottle then he was doing the same thing. I just sort of dismissed it and thought it was probably a coincidence (sorry Mom and Dad!), but now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is pretty incredible to see him make those connections. What a big boy!

1 comment:

Leo said...

OMG!!!! That's so true. We have 2 roar-roars for Leo. One at our house that gets shuttled to and fro and one at Grandmama's house just in case. I know when Ryan gets a little bit older, he'll be able to tell the difference. Trust me, they know.