Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Splish Splash

We finally got a new bath seat for Ryan. Until yesterday, We had still been bathing him in the infant bath. He was clearly getting too big for it, and now that he has been sitting up like a champ for so long, it was time to move on and start showing him the fun of a big boy bath.
The first bath wasn't so fun. He screamed the entire time. I didn't even wash his hair because I couldn't figure out how to tip his head back while he was crying so hard. In spite of that, I decided to give it another try again tonight. I figure he has got to get used to it eventually since it is here to stay...we are not going back to the infant bath!!! My friend "Cute Katie" was over and she gave me the courage that I needed to try it again. He cried at first but then got interested in what it was all about. "I get to play with toys in here??! There are even toys right here at my fingertips! I can sit up like a big boy AND get washed in this nice warm water??? Okay, I could get used to this!" And just like that he was quiet, curious, and completely fine with the new bath scenario. Whew!!!

1 comment:

COB said...

is he airing out his ___ in this pic? haha
He is starting to look more and more like you..sorry Keith