Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Tooth

Ryan is cutting his third tooth. It is his upper lateral incisor (I know, so technical...not one of his front teeth, but the one next to it). From what I understand this is somewhat unusual, as it is typically one of the front teeth that comes in first. He does not seem to be bothered by it, but he has been grinding what little there is of it so far against his 2 bottom teeth. It is like nails on a chalkboard to me and I can't imagine it is very good for his brand new teeth. But how on earth would I get him to stop doing this? I guess I will have to wait for him to figure out that it will probably eventually hurt??? I can't wait to see this side tooth emerge...I think he will look awfully cute with no front teeth but one to the side. Keith thinks he will look like a hillbilly.

We are also trying some new foods. Now that he is sitting up so well we tried Cheerios. But he will have none of this textured foods thing! He makes a face and gags when anything with texture is given to him. Once he got so upset that all he wanted was his bottle. I don't want to traumatize the poor thing! Even mashed bananas are too chunky. Mashed avocados, same thing. He does like yogurt however, very smooth, chilled and sweet! :) This morning I pureed fresh asparagus that my parents brought back from Wisconsin last weekend. I tried to puree it as smooth as I could, but there is still some texture. We will see how it goes! I do think once he has some more teeth he will be more open to textured foods...I mean what kid doesn't like bananas and Cheerios??! Soon we will try cheeses, and after that, beans, tofu and eventually chicken and beef. Wish us luck!

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