Friday, October 3, 2008

The Calm before the Storm...

Well, it's Friday and we are in October. Now when people ask me how long until the due date, I don't have to add the month. "Why, it's the 14th...". It's crazy. I can't explain how I feel right now, sort of a quiet anticipation, anxious feeling. See, I told you I can't explain it...

I must admit that my spiritual knowledge is somewhat limited, but I experienced something that I can't readily explain during this past year. When Amy was first trying to get pregnant, I remember spending some time in church praying for this miracle and one prayer in particular went to St. Teresa. Apparently, St. Teresa acknowledges her intercession with flowers, or specifically roses where they are not normally found. Last week, as I was working in the backyard, I noticed our rose bush near the gate. This rose bush was all but dead about 2 weeks ago but now, had three amazing pink roses on it. Like I said, I can't explain it, but maybe this is the explanation. In any event, we are about to realize that miracle that I prayed for 9 months earlier. Pretty cool...

Golf season is winding down for me, and I have one more tee time planned this Saturday at Cog Hill. We get to go out and play the back nine and experience the changes made over the course of the year. My friend Jason set this up and it's a great way to end the golf season. I should be ready for the next golf season, which should start sometime in 2020, according to everyone that I have talked to :) Actually, I am hoping to get out next season and hit the links next year. A guy can dream, can't he?

11 days! It hits me every now and then. Every time Amy calls, a part of me will be expecting loud screaming and the call to go to the hospital. To think, the next blog I'll be typing will be during my boy's nap!!!

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