Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well, he's here. All of that waiting and it only made me happier to see him for the first time. Just to let you know, he is the cutest baby ever! I'm not just saying that because he is my son, but because he actually is, the nurses all agreed and they rated him right there....

We have a snapfish account where you can go and look at the first couple of days with our son, Ryan Edward Brown. He was born at 8:10 pm and he weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. The link to view the photos are at the end of the blog.

Can't tell you what an unbelievable experience this was. Seeing my son being born and how tough Amy was during the birth was crazy, but seeing the joy in Amy when she saw Ryan, and hearing Ryan's little cry was a feeling like no other. You know when fathers say that their greatest day was the one where their son was born? Believe it. It's not cliche.

Amy and I are getting ready to take him home. He was circumcised, so his manhood is a little sore but he is great. Doesn't cry except when I change a dirty diaper. So far, it doesn't smell but I am told that will change. Can't wait :)

The title of the blog had some special meaning, since I was talking to my brother in law and he recognized the completion of a long journey that had started 4 years ago when Amy and I first started the process of having a child. While I had thought about that on and off all throughout the day, one thought kept coming up, and that was the fact that as one journey is nearing completion, a new longer and more rewarding journey is about to begin. It's not the end of the road, but the beginning of another long adventure. Can't wait...

You can view our photos at the following link:

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