Tuesday, October 7, 2008

so close, yet so far

I cannot believe that it is October 7! My due date is technically one week from today, yet I have this inkling that the baby won't actually be born until after that! Just a feeling. Although I can feel the baby getting lower, I haven't visibly "dropped", and I guess I just don't feel like the baby is in a hurry to greet the world yet! But who knows.

I still feel really great with one exception. My lower back is killing me! I think I must have tweaked something...it is not ache-y like women describe as back labor, but just hurts when I walk, giving me the oh so common "waddle" that many pregnant women sport. That is my only complaint...I am sleeping pretty well, I don't feel as "big as a house" yet, I do have energy throughout the day and a VERY hearty appetite! Oh, about the sleeping thing....I guess I have been snoring quite a bit......well...... a whole lot, and poor Keith isn't sleeping well at all. On most mornings I find him in the guest bed with Charlie. I have been trying to curb my snoring by sleeping with different pillow configurations and such- sometimes it works and sometimes not. He is being a great sport about it while making it very clear that it had better stop after the baby is born!!!! If nothing else, I guess the sleep deprivation will get him used to having a newborn around!

The weather is definitely changing and I am finding that I have nothing warm to wear!!! My biggest maternity clothes are all quite summery. I do have a couple of maternity sweaters that I am wearing over and over; I just can't bring myself to buy anything new for just a couple of weeks. Keith's sweatshirts are fitting me the best, so they will have to do for now!

Keith's birthday is on Friday, so Happy Birthday Keith!!! This will surely be his most memorable year so far......

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