Friday, October 24, 2008

Life with Ryan

He is finally here! I still can't believe it. Motherhood has been quite an adjustment so far, I am not even sure if I can organize my thoughts enough to make any sense in this entry.

First of all, it is all true....I did not know that I was capable of loving something so much. The first time i saw little Ryan, I was overcome with incredible emotion. All I kept saying was..."You are finally here! We have waited so long for you!" and I could not believe how beautiful and perfect he was.

He is so sweet, innocent and pure. Of course he is asleep most of the time, but when he is awake and looking up at me I completely melt. I feel so blessed that I have been chosen to be his mother. It is a privledge and I will do my very best to help him make his way in the world.

He is a week old now and it has been quite a week! Ryan is very good natured so far, only crying if hungry or wet. He loves to be held of course, and between my parents and Jeremy and Teri, I don't think he has spent much of his life so far not being held! They have all been so supportive, and Keith has been so helpful and hands on. He has changed most of Ryan's diapers and is Johnny on the spot when either Ryan or I need anything. We have had a lot of visitors all week, friends coming by and bringing us dinner or other goodies and we are so fortunate.

We are of course exhausted because of our new "night life"! We set up the port-o-crib in our room like a bassinet thinking that Ry would sleep there and when he needs to be fed I would whisk him up, feed him, and put him back down. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel very secure in it (my assumption since he gets very fussy within minutes of being put down) yet and hasn't spent more than a few hours total in it since we came home. So evenings consist of Keith or I taking turns holding him while he sleeps. They say you can't spoil a newborn and I know that they need to feel a sense of security in the beginning, so we don't mind. He is still a novelty to us and we love to hold him and admire anyway. But eventually the lack of sleep will catch up with us and lil' Ry will have to adjust to where he will be sleeping. Until then we will continue to spoil him and let him know that he is in good hands!

Gotta run for now but I will be back soon to share more about life with Ryan. We gave him a sponge bath today so I will sign off with a photo of our lil' peanut getting his first bath!

1 comment:

Tali said...

i'm so happy for you amy. i've bookmarked your page so i can keep track of ryan as he grows. congrats again and enjoy every bit of your new life!!!