Friday, September 26, 2008


I had a Dr's appointment today and not much to report. My blood pressure is right on, which is relieving since my swollen hands and "cankles" are now part of daily life. Very attractive! I always thought that all you had to do was drink more water and the swelling would go away. Not true! Other than that, I am right on schedule for where I am in the pregnancy. I am starting to dilate but am not quite at 1 cm and so far the baby is head down. I know that can all change rather quickly, but this is where we stand today!
It is one of our last weekends of "freedom". I am so excited for the fall, partly because the baby will be here and partly because it is my favorite season. We will be doing some entertaining on Sunday- an afternoon Broncos game with the Schallmosers and then dinner with my family in the evening. I am really looking forward to it because I feel great and want to do some hosting while I can still make that my sole focus. Saturday will be full of errands and household activities. Keith is steam cleaning the carpets as we speak (they do say that dads-to-be get that nesting instinct too~ and he is doing this purely out of his own will, not any prodding on my part) and I am going to tackle some fun projects like cleaning out/scrubbing the fridge and bathrooms.
I had a dream about the baby last week and it is actually the first one that I have had with the baby in it. I have had a lot of pregnancy dreams, but this is the first one that the baby has made an appearance in. We were leaving the hospital with him and just staring at him in admiration. I kept asking Keith if he could believe that our baby was finally here. He had a lot of brown hair! Then the nurse was telling me what a good patient I was! It was a very positive dream and I currently don't really have any anxiety about childbirth. My only source of anxiety right now is that the baby is completely healthy. And I know that motherly worrying will only continue until he is a grown man!

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