Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

"Tiny miracle, with your little baby heart beating............everybody loves you, and we don't even know who you are."

I don't really know who came up with that quote-
it was on one of the cards that I received for a shower gift, but I really love it. There is so little that we know about this baby so far, but one thing that I know for sure is how much he is loved already!
Last Sunday was our family shower thrown by my Mom, Donna and sister-in-law, Teri. Unfortunately, these are the only 3 photos that I have on my camera to share. All of the other ones are on my Mom's camera and sadly I don't have the right equipment to download those from my computer. Otherwise there would be one of Teri too, that cute and multi-talented little redhead!
Anyway, the shower was beautiful. There was no detail overlooked, and everything from the food to the flowers was perfect. The best part about it was the company. We don't have a lot of extended family, so many of the guests were close family friends- women who have known me since I was a little girl. Also present were some of my closest girlfriends from junior high to college, and my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jack from South Bend who drove 5 hours in the rain (normally a 2 hour trip) to be here. It was a whirlwind of chatting and catching up and for me, a joyful time of celebration. The cake that you see was made by "Mrs. Anderson" (I don't even know her first name). She has made cakes for me since the age of 12 for birthdays, graduations and all celebrations in between. Teri made sugar cookie favors of teddy bears with icing diapers along with a couple of other baked goodies and they were to die for!
We received absolutely everything we need for this baby! Strollers, swings, bouncy chairs, high chairs, play name it, we are ready! My Mom crocheted a beautiful hooded blanket lined with the cutest fabric inside. It is so special and I will include a photo of it in a future blog. I don't know when she had time to do it, but I know it was a labor of love!
A good time was had by all. It was a very rainy day thanks to the aftermath of hurricane Ike that we finally got, but still a great day. Keith was there in the beginning to say hello but had to leave to catch a flight to Denver- his last trip until the baby arrives. "The next time I go to Denver I will be a Dad!" he said before he left. This is truly such a time of wonderful anticipation and we are trying to balance it with living in the now- enjoying our lives as a twosome as much as we can until 2 turns to 3!

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