Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Play Time

We had many play dates during our trip. It was pure joy to see Ryan meeting some other little people who belong to people that we love. Some of the travel started getting to Ryan after a few seemed like he spent way more time in his car seat or stroller than he would have liked. However, when we arrived at our destination and started playing, he was a new boy. He is always on the move and is all about discovering new things. Here are photos of Ry and some of his new buddies:

With Emma and Nick. I grew up with their Mom, Terese

With Raina Bleu. Her Mom, Cathy Jo is a friend and long time co-worker at the C&B

With "little Jack Caldwell". I could not stop calling him by his cute full name when we met him! Keith grew up with Jack's Dad, Brian, and our little boys are only 2 months apart. They are sure to be partners in crime someday.

With Emme and Ava. Keith and their Dad, Jon are long time golfing buddies

With Jamison. Keith and his Dad, Pat, went to college together. Cutie pies!!!

We loved visiting with everyone and had a great time showing off our boy. We felt so welcomed and embraced by everyone and I know Ryan felt it too.
More Colorado pics coming soon!

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