Monday, May 4, 2009

The Two Reasons Why

...I consider myself so lucky!!!! Look at this handsome twosome!!!

Ryan is cutting his first tooth...basically as I write this. A couple of days ago my mom and I could see that there was finally a tooth about to emerge. Tonight Ryan woke up around 8:30 screaming, which is very unusual. I felt his gums and sure enough, I can feel a sharp tooth coming through. I was talking to our neighbor (mom of Reese, 2 yrs) earlier this evening and she said once the tooth pushes through, the hardest part is over, even if it has a ways to go before it is all the way in. So hopefully tonight will be the hardest part. He actually just fell asleep again, but earlier he was completely inconsolable. We have some of his rubber teething toys in the freezer which will come in handy later tonight if he needs some comforting. Poor thing!!!

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