Saturday, May 23, 2009

Little Memories

I can't believe it is Memorial Day weekend. I have wonderful memories of it from last year, because it was one year ago that I hit a milestone in my pregnancy with Ryan. It was Memorial Day Monday, and I had been working outside in the garden in the afternoon. It was hot out, I was almost 20 weeks along, and I was very thirsty, just as I had been for most of the pregnancy. I was sitting in the living room with a glass of ice water watching TV. The water was so refreshing and I was chugging it like crazy. All of a sudden I could see my belly rippling. I was holding the remote control that was resting on my belly and it was moving! I couldn't believe it!! It was very exciting and unmistakably Ryan moving around. I think he got quite a jolt from the ice cold water I was drinking.

Prior to that, I thought I might have felt him moving around but wasn't quite sure if that is truly what it was. This was the first time I KNEW it was him. Friends had told me that when it happened, I would know it. It was amazing! It was the first time that I really felt like there was a living thing inside me. And he has not stopped moving since!!! :)

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