Friday, March 6, 2009


Ryan is pure joy. That's all there is to it. This morning I had the distinct pleasure of going in to get him after a great night of sleep. He was all smiles of course, and we had a great morning of reading, singing and play. He seemed so happy for the couple hours he was awake~ engaged, giggly and so interested in the world around him. He is starting to get really into books, looking at the pictures and reaching out for the pages. I want time to stand still! He is such a great age now and I swear he is changing daily. He is slowly turning into a little boy. I know that it will only continue to get better, at least that is what I hear. I love my role as a mother and once again feel so lucky that I have been given this gift.

As a follow up to the swaddling story, we changed his swaddle because he grew out of the sleep sack. He is now in a stretchy cotton swaddle. I thought we were doomed since he can so easily work himself out of it, but I actually think it might be better. He works his hands up to his mouth (loves sucking on those fingers!) and his arms are bent but still pretty secure in the swaddle. I wish I would have thought of doing that a long time ago, this way his has his hands which is what he really wants but his arms aren't flailing. Lesson learned, another one for my new mom page! He slept great last night with only one intervention around midnight. The rest of the night he had his little hand close to his face but slept like an angel. He is such a dream come true!

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