Saturday, March 28, 2009

Growing up

Ryan is now strong enough to play in his exer-saucer! Yesterday was his first experience in it and he was truly enthralled. What a big boy!
Right now I am watching him on the video monitor sleeping like an angel...with both arms free! This is huge for him- no more swaddle! It took a while to get him down for this nap. He fussed and tossed for 45 minutes but has now been down for 2+ hours and counting. For naps we are putting him down awake so he can learn to fall asleep on his own. It is not always easy for him because he isn't always sure what to do with his busy arms!! But we are making progress each day. Of course as I write this, he awakens! He is saving you from having to read any more about his adventures in sleep. Lucky you!

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