Monday, August 25, 2008

An Update

Time is ticking by and it still feels like there is so much to do! I can't believe how quickly the weeks pass. The summer is winding down and it is almost Labor Day! (in more than one sense!)

I still have a lot of questions, like when I should pack my hospital bag to have ready for when the time comes? Everyone says that with your first baby you typically go past your due date. In that case, I have plenty of time. But what if I go early???! I want to be ready! In 3 weeks I will be considered full term and if I should go into labor, the doctors won't try to stop it. Three weeks!!!!

Things that are still on my to do list include: finding a pediatrician (I am pretty sure I know who it will be though), continuing on the nursery, making a mix for my Ipod with songs for the hospital- both before and after baby (totally stole that idea from a friend), packing the hospital bag, starting the baby book, and getting the house ready for bringing the baby home (organized and clean!). Even the tasks that would normally seem tedious are extremely exciting when we think about how drastically our lives are about to change. Who would have thought that ordering diapers and wipes online would be such a thrill???? I also bought some comfy and cute pajamas/lounge wear over the weekend to wear around the house when we are first home with the baby. That was pretty fun as well, and I think Keith even got a little jolt from it too.

The nursery is still a work in progress but is completely exceeding our expectations of how it would turn out. We will include photos soon...the crib is supposed to be ready shortly! I know that the dogs are completely clueless as to what is about to happen, but they do like to go in there and sniff around. When Keith and I are in there, they are right by our sides and seem very curious! Scout has been through the whole baby thing before with the Schallmosers, but Charlie is not going to know what hit him!

As for the Ipod mix, I stole the idea from a friend as I said before. I want to have music playing in the delivery room (I know, I know, I probably won't even notice it). But I am thinking that when I am at the hospital in the earlier stages of labor when there is a lot of waiting going on, it would be nice to have some soothing music to help me relax. If I don't get to listen to it there, then it will still be nice to have it playing at home when we are trying to get little James Brown to relax! (Does that sound like an oxymoron or what?!) It is never to early to introduce him to good rock n' roll. Some of the artists that will be featured include: Van Morrison, Neil Young, the Grateful Dead (of course), Crosby Stills and Nash and John Hiatt. Such a fun project so far!

Everyone is asking what we are doing for daycare. We have a few irons in the fire and a lot of ideas being thrown around. My mom has been gracious enough to offer her services one day per week. Keith is off every other Monday or Friday as well. I am fairly certain that I will be returning to work, although I am still trying to work out an alternative schedule or possibly working at Oak Brook for a shorter commute (less than 10 minutes compared to my usual 45-60 minutes!) We did have a bit of a reality check last weekend when we were looking online at daycare facilities in the neighborhood. One of them had a video of the infant room where they showed the daycare providers interacting with the babies, feeding them, reading to them, etc. Not surprisingly, it was a little emotional for me seeing these strangers who might someday be caring for our child. Keith said, "Are you crying??? Don't cry, it's okay.....come on, it will be alright....okay, well.......let's turn this off for a while and look at it later..." He is so cute and handled it perfectly! (we actually had a good chuckle over it today). I knew it would be difficult to think about childcare after the baby was born, but I had no idea it would difficult before hand as well! I know that plenty of parents leave their children every day and that it is not easy for them either, but my reaction over the weekend certainly is food for thought and will hopefully help me get ready for the future, whatever we decide.

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