Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Countdown

Keith did a great job starting this blog and here I am to put my two cents in. He continues to work on the nursery and it is looking great. He is meticulously painting the wainscoting and made the comment, "If this were just for me, I wouldn't be spending so much time making it look perfect, but since it is for the baby I just have to." That pretty much sums up the way we feel about everything, as all parents do, I'm sure. It seems like each decision we make regarding the baby...the nursery, what to register for, what to do for childcare, etc. is that much more important than any decision we would make for ourselves.

I am almost 31 weeks along and feeling great. I have lots of energy, thank goodness, since there is still much to be done around here! It is a busy time at work and I am on my feet most of the day which I welcome because when I sit too much the swelling takes over!! We had our childbirth class last weekend, which Keith and I actually both enjoyed. It is so exciting to think about the day your baby will come into the world. Of course it is overwhelming to think about all that labor entails, but I say bring it on! (when the baby is fully cooked, of course)

We still have many names in mind for this little man. We each have our favorite ones, which naturally aren't the same! It will be interesting to see what we agree on, and I am hoping that when we see him for the first time it will be a no brainer.

Time to go and continue my cleaning. I have this urge to get the house in order. I guess this is what they call nesting! I am also washing all of James Brown's little blankets and clothes and putting them away which I could do all day long! It makes me feel like such a mom! I know, once the baby is here the laundry won't seem so exciting, but until then.....

oh yeah, one more thing I wanted to include was this photo of Keith and Charlie. On weekdays I am out of bed before Keith, and Charlie loves to jump in once I am up and about.
Do you think this dog will have just a tiny bit of trouble adjusting to a new little thing around the house that is getting ALL of the attention????!!!!

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