Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Small Price To Pay

Children cost money. It is a fact that nobody would deny. But what I am finding out is how much they cost before they are even born!! Registering at Babies R Us was the first clue. Sarah and Madeline went with us to register, thank goodness, because otherwise Keith and I would have been so clueless as to what we were going to need. After 3 kids, Sarah had great advice and so did Madeline, who is a mini-me of Sarah and great with the registering scanner, I might add. But who knew that we would have any need for 2 strollers (one that is close to $300 and doesn't even come close to high-end), not to mention a third if we ever wanted a jogging stroller? (Not a bad idea for me post partum :) ) All of the safety devices, health care items, things to keep your baby busy and stimulated, feeding supplies, nursery items....etc. Thank goodness for grandparents, baby showers and hand me downs! We did buy our changing table at Target and on clearance at that. However, yesterday when I went to Pottery Barn Kids and purchased the cute white baskets with green gingham liners to go on the changing table shelves, they cost as much as the changing table itself! I experienced a bit of sticker shock at the point of sale, but what the hell??? Nothing is too good for my boy. Oh, and I did have to buy another cute little basket (with liner-extra, of course) to put downstairs in our family room for convenience sake when baby's diaper needs to be changed downstairs. I told myself that no other basket would have had to be the one from Pottery Barn Kids!! And I really couldn't pass up the little mesh basketball hoop that you suction to the bathtub wall for bathtime fun. It is so cute and I can already see Keith and James Brown gleefully playing hoops in the water. See, not only is Pottery Barn Kids selling me "necessary" things for the baby's room, they are also selling future memories. I am completely wrapped up in the madness. Just another thing to blame on the hormones (and my Mom, who was with me and can justify buying most anything and also believes that nothing is too good for this boy).

Keith doesn't yet know how much I spent on baskets and I am a little embarrassed to admit it anyway, but it is just a fraction of what he is spending on his Big Fun weekend on golf and beer. Wait, do 2 wrongs make a right??????????!!

Today I am on the hunt for a cute and complementary window treatment for the nursery. Do we stick with the old white blinds that are already in there or splurge on a custom roman shade that will cost more than the changing table WITH the baskets?? Only time will tell............

1 comment:

jen said...

Hi Amy! I was the same way with Pottery Barn Kids. I love PB Teen now too! I love there bedding for JD $230 for his first bedding for his big boy bed we are getting him at Christmas. I do have to say " You get what you pay for." Anyway I am so glad that you are having a blast shopping and preparing!
