Sunday, July 12, 2009


It has been over a week since our last post, and not much has been going on because Ry has been sick all week. :(
He has the "hand foot and mouth" virus. I had never heard of it until last week. It is a virus that is common in babies when they have a low fever and can get blisters on their hands, feet and in their mouth. Yuck! Ry has no blisters on his hands or feet, but does have some on his throat. Consequently he is not eating nearly as much as he usually does, or taking in many fluids. Since it is a virus, it can't be treated with antibiotics, and I guess once you get it you aren't likely to get it again. It lasts 7-10 days and we are on day 7, so hopefully in a few days he will be right again. He is still pretty active, playing and smiling, but just isn't his normal self. He is, however, taking monster naps...there hasn't been a nap less than 2 hours all week! They are averaging between 2-3 hours. :)

Up until now, Ryan has really never been sick. He has had a couple of runny noses but overall, I think he inherited my strong immune system. Considering that he has been in day care 2 days per week since he was 3 months old I am amazed that he didn't catch anything sooner. Hopefully this will be it for the rest of the summer! I am glad he is getting it out of his system in time for our trip to Door County, WI next week!

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