Monday, July 27, 2009

Ready For a Swim

Last weekend Keith, Ryan and I went to Lake Geneva with my parents for some R&R. We were all looking forward to a weekend away, and particularly excited to take Ryan on his first trip. It was a huge success! Ry was great; he was such a good boy and adjusted very well to his pack and play and new rental-condo surroundings. We've put him down in his pack and play on numerous occasions at friends houses, but never down for the night away from home. He slept right next to Keith and I, which of course I loved!!!!

Family photo before Ry's first swim. He is learning how to wave, and this photo captures the cuteness!

Ryan with Mom, Dad and Grandpa in the indoor rained on!

Ryan sitting pretty, waiting for his second opportunity for a swim

Yeah! Sun on Saturday and an outdoor swim. He never cracked a smile as he looked around and took it all in...

...and decided that swimming really wasn't as enticing as a nap was in the middle of the pool. My mellow little guy!

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