Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sitting Up

I am a big boy!

Here I go!


We have been working with Ryan on sitting up. Much like his rolling over, he seems to have no interest in doing it on his own. He spends a fair amount of time in his exersaucer and jumparoo (have no idea what it's actually called, this is my name for it, it's the thing you hang above a doorway with a spring so the baby can jump around). He also spends time in his Bumbo chair which he is doing much better in, and now more than ever, he is logging in serious time on his tummy. But when it comes to sitting up, he still needs a lot of assistance. Our pediatrician felt that Ryan was completely on track with his milestones, but when I look at other babies, I see many who can sit up unassisted at a much earlier age. My Mom keeps saying, let's face it...he is held a lot, coddled and fussed over constantly...why would he want to do anything on his own??! It's true. It is time for tough love! Ha ha, that is a joke, but we do need to work him out a bit I think. I know he will sit on his own eventually, just as he will do everything else eventually...when he is ready.
And as I have said in an earlier post, I also think much of it is his personality. He is a very easy going baby and usually content doing whatever. So perhaps he will need some gentle nudges along the way. In the meantime I think I could learn a thing or two from little Ry guy about being content with where you're at in the present moment...

1 comment:

Fat Eyes said...

So cute how he is all smiles when sitting up (I can just hear you in the background cheering him on) and all of a sudden, down he goes, and no more smiles.