Saturday, April 18, 2009

Weekend Bliss

It is Saturday night, I just put Ryan to bed, there is a wonderful breeze coming in the window (yes, the windows are open! Hooray for spring) and I am settling in for a quiet night at home. Keith went to the Cubs game with some friends and the house is completely silent. I don't even have the TV turned on; I am just appreciating the quiet and occasional sound of a bird chirping.

My "weekend" is drawing to a close, as my work week begins on Sundays now. I am off on Friday and Saturday and I must say that I have really come to enjoy it this way. On Friday it was 72 degrees and sunny. Truly, a perfect day. I thought of many things that I could do with Ryan, going here or there, but opted to just stay home and take him for a nice long walk to the park in town near our house. Just Ryan and I. Keith was golfing or else he surely would have joined us with Scout and Charlie. At the park I put Ryan in the baby swing, not sure how it would go over (or if Ry would quite literally "go over"), and it was a huge hit! He loved being in the swing, just hanging out. He sat in it as I pushed him for several minutes, looking at all of the newness around him, and every few minutes he would start giggling out of the blue. It was the sweetest thing and made me giggle quite a bit as well. Those are the small moments that fill me up as I wind down the weekend and start my work week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, I am so glad you had a nice weekend and are enjoying your quality time with Ryan. This weekend should be nice as well! I hope you don't think it's creepy, but I visit your blog from time to time to see how your family is doing and to see how fast Ryan is growing up. He is absolutely an adorable kid! I know everyone says he looks just like Keith but I TOTALLY only see you in his eyes!
Barb Mc.