Sunday, September 14, 2008

Room with a View

Yesterday Keith and I received a very special gift! It is a custom piece of artwork commissioned especially for Baby Brown! It is from Megan and Tony, and Tony's sister Heather. Heather is the artist; you can see how talented and creative she is. (Check her out at I have admired her work for many years and now we have this very special piece in the nursery. It matches perfectly and we will hang it above the crib. Baby Brown is a very lucky boy. Thank you, Gentile/Collins clan!
Speaking of Megan, a lot of you are asking how she is doing. While she does still have a long road ahead, she is doing pretty well overall. This last week she had the week off from treatments and she will begin again next week with chemo. The doctors say she is cancer free right now, but they want to do another round to make sure there is no cancer in her brain, which Megan said is common with leukemia. So I am sure she is in for a long week...once again, please keep her in your prayers. She is so brave!

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