Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Nursery

Finally, here are photos of the almost completed nursery. We cannot wait to see our baby sleeping peacefully in his crib, and to use the glider for feedings, rocking and reading.

Keith did such a great job with the room. Of course I helped with some things, but he chose the paint color, bedding, wainscoting, etc. I am encouraging him to work at Crate&Barrel as a designer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A man of many talents.....

Let's hope our boy loves dogs as much as we do! I have a feeling he and Charlie will be partners in crime causing all kinds of mischief for Mom and Dad! Scout will be a great watch dog, protecting the baby by barking at each passing car and person walking down the street!

Who, me????!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome job you guys!! Baby Brown can't help but have sweet dreams in his beautiful new nursery. Won't be long now--can hardly wait to hear he is here. So excited......Love, Sharon