Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photo Shoot

We had Ry's photos taken on Sunday and I absolutely love them! We were supposed to meet the photographer (Sarah) at a beautiful park near our house, and it started raining moments before our appointment! Major bummer. We had timed Ry's naps just right so that he would be perky for his pics, and I had him in his cute outfit which was spit up free, so when Sarah asked if we wanted to reschedule, I said NO! Let's just go for it somewhere indoors. We went to my parents house since ours still has, shall we say, several unfinished areas due to our drywall damage, and it worked out fine. Sarah suggested taking photos on the screened-in porch which enabled us to have tons of natural light. We did get a few outside when the rain stopped, but that coincided with Ry getting a bit squirmy...well, a lot squirmy!
But all in all I am thrilled with the photos...they are exactly what I wanted. See what you think! Click on the link below and click on the collection of "Ryan" photos.

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