Friday, August 7, 2009


Ugh! It has been so long since my last has been a little crazy lately. I started at a new store this week and I am in over my head with newness and transitions. Not only am I starting at a new store which is an adjustment in and of itself, I have started a slightly different job as a "homestore" designer. I was previously focused only on the furniture portion of the business; in my new job I will oversee both housewares AND furniture. Yes, it sounds like double the work, and right now it feels like it too. It is a great opportunity for me, and if I am actually good at it, it will open up even more opportunities for me in the future. But right now it is downright overwhelming. After being back at work for 7 months, I realize that I like to work in addition to being a Mom. For me, it is a good balance. That is not to say that I always love it or don't ever complain about it. But at the end of the day, I do like the feeling of accomplishment that my job gives me in addition to my number one priority, which is my family. Anyway, I am struggling a little bit now as I am finding my balance with my new job. I know it will come. But like with any change in life, there will be some stumbling blocks before I get into the groove.

It seems like Ryan is changing so much with each passing week. He is SO close to crawling. He is getting tons of teeth. His little personality is developing so quickly as he experiences all of the new things that life has to foods, new faces, new activities. To say he brings Keith and I tons of joy is an understatement. Here a few recent photos...

Possibly his #1 new favorite food, nectarines (goldfish crackers and graham crackers are a close second)

His favorite toy...tupperware

Loves his books!

Hanging with our next door neighbor, Reese

"May I have this dance??"

Princess Reese dancing with her "Little Prince"...Ryan was fascinated by her dress and magic wand!!

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