Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is a photo of Ryan with his new best buddy, Robbie. It is not the most recent photo, and I may have already posted it on a previous entry but I wanted to show a picture of them together for this posting. We decided to give Ry a friend, or "lovey" as some people call it, to have in his crib with him as a comfort and way to signal when it is time for bed. At first Ry seemed pretty indifferent to him, but recently I have noticed an attachment. When our little guy is tired and fussy is it pretty obvious; all he wants is to be placed in his crib. As soon as he sees Robbie, he is all smiles, reaches out for him, and instantly puts these two fingers in his mouth:
He knows it is time for bed and on the video monitor I can see him patting Robbie, playing with his ears, or just nuzzling his face in the fur. Too cute! I also noticed that Ryan was fussing last night around 2am. When I looked at the monitor he was reaching for Robbie and couldn't quite get to him. He continued to fuss until I went into his room and put his bunny back in his arms. Then he was fine!!!
For now we will keep Robbie in the crib for nap and bedtime only and see if Ryan continues to develop a strong attachment. At that point we can reevaluate where the relationship is going.....
As for where the name Robbie came from, I am not quite sure. Whenever I thought about him in my head I always called him that. Maybe because he is a rabbit...Robbie the Rabbit?? Not sure.

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