Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Cute

Nothing really exciting to report these days. We are in our routine and getting into our groove! The weeks are flying by and next week Ryan has his 4 month appointment at the pediatrician. We can't wait to see how much he weighs and how much he has grown. Keith and I both still want to go to each doctor's appointment. I wonder when that wears off.....I am sure when Dr. Murphy sees us, she is thinking, "oh no! it's them again!" :) We are okay with it. We are completely enamored with our boy!
The weather got nice for a few days and here is a picture of Ry with his "too cool for school" sunglasses on (from Grandma and Grandpa Brown). The spring weather cannot come soon enough.
I still can't believe it was just over a year a go that we found out I was pregnant. I could never have imagined how our lives would be so different (in the most wonderful way) a year later! Ryan has been such a gift, and I stand by my mantra always...the best is yet to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to see a pic of his "lovie" (thats what its called???) Helloooo, cutest Baby Boy ever!!