Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Colorado Boy at Heart!

Ryan looks ready to tackle his first hike doesn't he???

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Four Months Old!

Ryan's 4 month appointment was last Monday. He weighed in at 15 lb 2 oz (50th percentile) and 26 inches long (90th percentile)...long and lean! He is outgrowing his clothes so quickly. We are lucky to get hand-me-downs from friends~I don't think we have purchased anything new for him ourselves. That is really nice, but about to change! I have noticed as my friend's boys get older, the hand-me-downs decrease...the clothes wear out before they can be handed down! That is okay, I have no problem shopping for my little guy. But anyway, I digress....Dr. Murphy gave us the go ahead to give Ry rice cereal. We started yesterday and he has taken to it like he has been eating off of a spoon forever! It has only been 2 days and he really seems to "get it". I have noticed recently that he doesn't seem to be satisfied with what we normally give him in his bottle; so he was definitely ready for something more! It is so much fun putting him in his chair and feeding him. I can't wait for him to try different foods to see what he likes and dislikes....I wonder if he will like the foods that I craved while pregnant. Or is that an old wives tale??

I now feel like we are in a routine during the week. As I have mentioned, I love routine. It makes me feel much more centered. During the week, I rarely interact with him in the morning since he is usually still asleep when I leave for work. After work, I run out the door at 4pm every day so that I can be home at 5 to be with him until his bedtime (between 6 and 7). It is not nearly enough time, let me tell you! But I live for my Fridays and Saturdays when I can be with him all day. We don't do much. I am selfish that way. I want to spend every second of my days off with him. I can't get enough of that baby!!! I hold him as much as I can, kiss him, cuddle him, and am completely in his face (if he has issues later on, we will know why!). So now it is Saturday night ( I know, this is what I am doing on Saturday night~ but Keith is making me dinner, and later we will have a cut throat round of Scrabble. But again, I digress...) and I am dreading tomorrow, because it is my Monday. For the next 5 days, I will only see him a couple of hours each day. I don't want to sound like I am complaining; I am making peace with it. It is a choice that I made and I know that it was the right one for us even though it isn't always easy. So please allow me to post photos of me and Ryan wearing his "I Love Mommy" bib~ that is what gets me through the week!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cute Katie

We love Cute Katie!!! Katie is my friend from Crate who watches Ryan every other Tuesday. Yes, we call her "Cute Katie" (at work and at home!) every time we refer to her, and you can see why! I started working with her a little over a year ago when she moved here from Texas. She is a little spitfire; somewhat shy but has tons of energy and is one of the most easy going people that I have ever met. She helped me a great deal at work throughout my pregnancy, climbing up on the ladders and doing all of the fancy stunt work that we designers do day to day.
Anyway, I knew she loved kids and that she had done a lot of babysitting ("I love kids so much...I would babysit for free!"...) She even babysat for customers that she met in the store whose kids fell in love with her. I hit her up to see if she would be interested in a stint with Ry every other week and she was game! Since Keith has every other Tuesday off, Cute Katie fills in the alternate Tuesdays, and less day for Ryan at day care! This is what has enabled us to bring Ryan down to 2 days per week at day care and it works out well for everyone!
Most importantly, Ryan loves Katie. He giggles and squeals for her, and when I am holding him he is fixated on her and smiles like crazy. It is the cutest! They make quite a pair, don't you think?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Cute

Nothing really exciting to report these days. We are in our routine and getting into our groove! The weeks are flying by and next week Ryan has his 4 month appointment at the pediatrician. We can't wait to see how much he weighs and how much he has grown. Keith and I both still want to go to each doctor's appointment. I wonder when that wears off.....I am sure when Dr. Murphy sees us, she is thinking, "oh no! it's them again!" :) We are okay with it. We are completely enamored with our boy!
The weather got nice for a few days and here is a picture of Ry with his "too cool for school" sunglasses on (from Grandma and Grandpa Brown). The spring weather cannot come soon enough.
I still can't believe it was just over a year a go that we found out I was pregnant. I could never have imagined how our lives would be so different (in the most wonderful way) a year later! Ryan has been such a gift, and I stand by my mantra always...the best is yet to come!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dear Daddy,

Here I am hanging out and relaxing before going to school. Don't I look cute? I really miss you! Mommy said you are in Colorado working and visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I hope you come home soon~ I miss seeing you at our 3am rondez-vous! Mommy is doing a great job flying solo this week, and I think you should buy her an expensive present to thank her. Maybe diamonds?????

When you come home I will show you my first "art project" that I made at school. I think I am ready for kindergarten! Love, Ryan

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is it

about bath time photos that make them so irresistable???!