Monday, November 24, 2008


Ryan will be 6 weeks old on Thanksgiving Day! So far he is a great sleeper. Many of the books I have read on sleep training for babies say that they can start sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. As it stands, Ry usually goes to sleep in his bassinet between 8 and 9 pm. He will wake up twice during the night for a bottle, and then around 7 am. Keith and I have been very happy with this~ I will take one night feeding and he will take the other. Last night Ryan only woke up for one feeding, which could be a complete fluke, but could also mean that he is moving towards the goal of sleeping through the night. Wouldn't that be awesome! I do think we have a ways to go before that happens, which is really fine. I mean, he isn't even 6 weeks old yet, and Keith and I are managing to get decent sleep as it is. I have been reading feverishly about different sleeping philosophies and learning a ton about sleep for babies. Over the past couple of days we have put Ryan down for naps in his big crib in order to get him comfortable with it. He really seems to like it and has no problem spending time there. He has yet to take a nap longer than an hour in it, but baby steps!!! Soon he will be too big for his bassinet and there will be no choice!
Ryan has been very smiley lately! It is so cute. Last night when he woke up I expected him to be a bear since he hadn't eaten in almost 6 hours. Instead he was completely calm and even smiled when I picked him up. Then after his bottle he just looked at me and smiled for what seemed like minutes. We were just sitting on the glider, by the glow of his little night light, smiling at eachother like we were sharing a really good secret. It is one of the best Mommy moments that I have had so far. I guess you never know when these moments are going to pop up!

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