Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Tear Jerker

So everybody knows that a pregnant woman might tend to be a little emotional at times. I never fully believed it until I started experiencing it. I am not a cryer, at least I really don't like to cry in front of others. I would never be caught crying at work. There are few people that I will let see me cry and those people know who they are!!! But now I truly know the meaning of "crying for no reason". It must be a surge of those third trimester pregnancy hormones because it hit me last weekend. Friday night I came home and after confusing Keith as to whether he should run fast or try to console me, I found myself "crying for no reason". The episodes certainly come and go and are generally brief, but I think they are here to stay!

Nobody is more confused than I because I promised myself that I wouldn't complain this entire pregnancy. It took us more than 4 years to get here and I could not be happier. I remind myself of that every day. We are so lucky to be where we are and could want for absolutely nothing. But still, the tears for no reason! I guess it is just a phenomenon and proof of how powerful hormones are. Let's not get crazy and think that I have started crying at work or anything, but if you are lucky enough to catch me at one of those moments, you might be able to add yourself to the handful of people that I have cried in front of.

And perhaps the tears have pushed me a bit to the overly sensitive side. Keith leaves tomorrow for his annual "Big Fun" weekend. I have found myself hugging him several times since i got home from work. I am sure he is scratching his head in confusion or at least trying to get some alone time because he just left to take the dogs to the park!!!!! But truly, he has been so supportive all along, doing a majority of the household chores (anyone who has lived with Keith knows what a big deal that is) and giving tons of emotional support when needed. He is so patient with my ever changing moods and never ever loses his temper....well, ever. I hope our son gets all of these great qualities along with the hundreds of others that Keith posesses.

Well, Keith is home from the park. He is begging me for more hugs and quality time. I will probably be logging on again soon because my breast feeding class is tomorrow night. There is sure to be some good material to write about after that!!

1 comment:

Baby Brown said...

I can vouch for the mood swings...