Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ten Months

Ryan turned 10 months last week, and a few days before that, became mobile. I don't think I would call it crawling yet, it is more the "wounded soldier" move and looks like this:
I can't believe how quickly he can get around!!

Before Ryan was born we received "Philadelphia Chickens" By Sandra Boynton as a gift. I had tucked it away for when Ry was older, but someone at work was raving about it yesterday so I decided to pull it out now. It is a book and CD; the music is super fun. Some instant favorites are "Snuggle Puppy", "I Like to Fuss", and "Belly Button".

Ry was completely enthralled in the book right from the get-go (even though this page doesn't appear to be particularly interesting...)

He would drag the book from place to place and turn the pages back and forth over and over.

And this is just plain cute!
Ry has teeth sprouting out all of the time it seems; he currently has 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. He is also trying new foods daily. Some new favorites are mac n' cheese, sloppy joe's, and red pepper risotto. He absolutely loves sliced cheddar cheese too. Half of his meals are eaten and the other half ends up on the floor. Stinker!

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