Friday, April 24, 2009

A Day Like Summer

It definitely turned out to be a beautiful day. It was hot out! What happened to 70 degree days?! Well, I don't want to complain, we were able to enjoy the great outdoors and that is always better than sitting inside. We did go to the arboretum but never got out of the car. After waiting 15 minutes in a line of cars to get in, upon entering we found out that there was only shuttle parking and barely any at that. So we drove out and told Ryan that he would have to wait a little longer for his first experience at the arb. He seemed okay with it. We live only 10 minutes away and figured a stroller ride is a stroller ride to Ry at this point. Instead we walked around my parent's neighborhood and ended up running into Sarah, Madeline and JT (Sarah's parents live down the block!) and stopping to talk to other various neighbors along the way. Ryan loved the attention and was quite smiley for everyone!
He had his 6 month appointment on Monday and it went well. His height is 28 inches and weight is 18lbs 13oz (90th and 75th percentile, respectively). He is long and lean! We seem to be on track with all of his milestones. However, he has rolled over, as I have mentioned, but still not regularly. I know he is very strong because when I try to roll him back to tummy he really resists- big time! (he has currently only rolled tummy to back.) I don't know if it just doesn't come naturally to him yet, or if he is just so mellow that he could take or leave rolling over. When we put a toy just out of his reach he looks at it and tries to reach it briefly, but then usually just moves on to something else. Many times when he is on his tummy and he has pushed up a couple of times, he just lays his head down to the side and is very content doing just that (and I must admit, it is very cute. He just lays there as happy as can be, usually smiling and babbling away). He is so easy going that sometimes I think he is very happy just going for the path of least resistance. The mellow-ness he gets from his Daddy; going for the path of least resistance he gets from me! We'll see what the future holds for Ry and his rolling; until then, there is much laundry to fold....

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