Monday, November 3, 2008

So Big!

Our little sprout is getting big!! We went to the doctor today and Ryan gained one pound in one week!! Keith and I were very diligent about Ryan's feeding schedule and making sure that he got the nutrition he needed each day in order to gain an ounce per day over the past week as prescribed by our pediatrician. Well, our little chub gained 7 ounces and then some!! So we can let up a little on the feeding schedule knowing that he weighed in today at 8 lbs 12 ounces (his birth weight was 8lb 4oz). I can already tell that he is changing and I want to make time stand still! He has definitely gotten longer and I can see his face filling out. He can lift his head up when he is laying on your shoulder! I know that things will only get more exciting as he gets older, but I don't want my newborn baby to slip away! Every parent that has held Ryan, even the ones that still have babies, have all said how you forget how small they are when they are first born. It goes by way too fast!!
His umbilical cord stump fell off last night so now we can give him real (not sponge)baths!!
As far as any kind of nighttime routine goes, I think we have fallen into one. We feed Ryan every night around 9pm, then about every 3 hours after that. Since I am not breastfeeding, just pumping breastmilk, Ryan always gets a bottle of either milk or formula. The nice thing about it is that Keith can help with nighttime feedings! That is such a luxury, as it affords both of us the chance to sleep for a stretch of time at night. We are usually up around 6am for a bottle and for me to pump, then we all go back to sleep until about 8:30 am. Ryan sleeps very well in between feedings, so I would say on average Keith and I are sleeping 6-7 hours per night which is great for parents of a newborn!
Keith goes back to work a week from today which will be sad for our little family and our routine! We are so lucky that he had this much time off of work. We have been living in this little bubble for the past few weeks and it has been so much fun. We just move at our own pace, we generally don't have too much going on, just hanging out at home and looking after Ryan. We aren't on any schedule, and best of all, between my Mom and Teri, we haven't had to cook a meal yet! They have been so awesome about preparing meals for us and it is all about to come to an abrupt ending!! Reality is going to come quickly! I am trying to enjoy this time and take it all in. I have to return to work on January 5th- a topic that I am currently blocking out in my mind.

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